Showing posts with label CPC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CPC. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

How To Register Website In Bing Search Engine

How To Register Website or Blog In Bing Search Engine  

Once you completed your website/blog design or once you framed website with good content just publishing wont give better results. we need to register website or blog in 2 main search engines 1)Google search console 2)Bing Webmaster Tools .
                    By registering in search engine we will get good traffic and this is major part of SEO job (Search Engine Optimization) ,Due to good optimization the website /Blog will get better ranking in search results and will be visible to the world in search results. In this article i am going to explain how to register web in Bing Webmaster Tools

1# Login to Bing Webmaster Tools .
2# Go to my Sites 
3#Write/Paste your main website/Blog address
  Note:Try to add complete sitemap like
4#Then Click ADD
5# Next It will show Meta content with authentication code as below .
Bing Search Engine, Google Search Console,
6#Take the Meta tag content with code and place in your website/Blog html code .
Note1 :See the example which is showing in above snip or in your Webmaster Tools for reference .
Bing Search Engine, Google Search Console,
7#Take the Meta tag content with code and place in your website/Blog html code just after <head> and save then Close.
Bing Search Engine

8#After that Go to Bing Webmaster Tools and click in VERIFY option to authenticate ownership .

9# Next bing will verify your ownership and show the status as verified .
10#Bing will start Crawl your website .If you already submitted your sitemap as i mentioned in Step 3 then bing will start crawling complete website with all the page links . 

11# Bing will complete crawl process and will index all the pages of your website/Blog .
Note :This process will take some time from 1 week to 1 month . 

12# Then your web page-links will start to visible in bing search window based on user search request .Complete weblinks appearance records and clicks you can track from Bing webmaster dashboard  
Note :Please check your website mobile friendliness also from Bing Webmaster from this link 
If you want to know how to register website/Blog in Google Search Console please read below link.
How To Register Website or Blog In Google Search Console

How To Register Website or Blog In Google Search Console

How To Register Website or Blog In Google Search Console

Once you completed your website/blog design or once you framed website with good content just publishing wont give better results. we need to register website or blog in 2 main search engines 1)Google search console 2)Bing Webmaster Tools .

                    By registering in search engine we will get good traffic and this is major part of SEO job (Search Engine Optimization) ,Due to good optimization the website /Blog will get better ranking in search results and will be visible to the world in search results. In this article i am going to explain how to register web in 

yet to write ,will come soon