Friday, July 6, 2018

How To Register Website In Bing Search Engine

How To Register Website or Blog In Bing Search Engine  

Once you completed your website/blog design or once you framed website with good content just publishing wont give better results. we need to register website or blog in 2 main search engines 1)Google search console 2)Bing Webmaster Tools .
                    By registering in search engine we will get good traffic and this is major part of SEO job (Search Engine Optimization) ,Due to good optimization the website /Blog will get better ranking in search results and will be visible to the world in search results. In this article i am going to explain how to register web in Bing Webmaster Tools

1# Login to Bing Webmaster Tools .
2# Go to my Sites 
3#Write/Paste your main website/Blog address
  Note:Try to add complete sitemap like
4#Then Click ADD
5# Next It will show Meta content with authentication code as below .
Bing Search Engine, Google Search Console,
6#Take the Meta tag content with code and place in your website/Blog html code .
Note1 :See the example which is showing in above snip or in your Webmaster Tools for reference .
Bing Search Engine, Google Search Console,
7#Take the Meta tag content with code and place in your website/Blog html code just after <head> and save then Close.
Bing Search Engine

8#After that Go to Bing Webmaster Tools and click in VERIFY option to authenticate ownership .

9# Next bing will verify your ownership and show the status as verified .
10#Bing will start Crawl your website .If you already submitted your sitemap as i mentioned in Step 3 then bing will start crawling complete website with all the page links . 

11# Bing will complete crawl process and will index all the pages of your website/Blog .
Note :This process will take some time from 1 week to 1 month . 

12# Then your web page-links will start to visible in bing search window based on user search request .Complete weblinks appearance records and clicks you can track from Bing webmaster dashboard  
Note :Please check your website mobile friendliness also from Bing Webmaster from this link 
If you want to know how to register website/Blog in Google Search Console please read below link.
How To Register Website or Blog In Google Search Console