Google Chrome most impotent shortcut keys you must know for better browsing
1# Open a new window----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + n
2# Open a new tab, and jump to it---------------------------------->Ctrl + t
3# Open a new window in Incognito mode------------------------>Ctrl + Shift + n
4# Reopen the last closed tab, and jump to it --------------------->Ctrl + Shift + t
5# Open your home page in the current tab------------------------>Alt + Home
6# Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab----------->Alt + Left arrow
7# Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab----------------->Alt + Right arrow
8# Close the current tab----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4
9# Close all open tabs and the browser----------------------------->Ctrl + Shift + w
10# Minimize the current window---------------------------------->Alt + Space + n
11# Maximize the current window---------------------------------->Alt + Space + x
12# Close the current window--------------------------------------->Alt + F4
13# Quit Google Chrome--------------------------------------------->Ctrl + Shift + q
- 13# Open a link in a new window-------------------------------->Shift +click the link
- 14# Open a hyperlink in a new tab----------------------------------->Ctrl +click the link
- 15# Jump to the next open tab---------------------------------------->Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
- 16# Jump to the previous open tab---------------------------------->Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
- 17# Jump to a specific tab-------------------------------------------->Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
- 18# Jump to the last tab----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + 9
- 19# Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it ------------->Type a site name + Ctrl + Enter
- 20# Jump to the address bar------------------------------------------->Ctrl + l or Alt + d or F6
- 21# Print the current page--------------------------------------------->Ctrl + p
- 22# Open options to save the current page-------------------------->Ctrl + s
- 23# Reload the current page------------------------------------------>F5 or Ctrl + r
- 24# Open the Home page in the current tab------------------------>Alt + Home
- 25# Stop the page loading-------------------------------------------->Esc
- 26# Open a file from your computer in Chrome------------------->Ctrl + o + Select a file
- 27# ZOOM-IN--------------------------------------------------------->Ctrl and +
- 28# ZOOM-OUT------------------------------------------------------->Ctrl and -
- 29# Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page----->Ctrl + u
- 30# Turn full-screen mode on or off--------------------------------> F11
- For complete shortcut keys please check the Google