Tuesday, September 25, 2018

world top car makers and ultimate car stunts you should not miss

Watch videos of ultimate car stunts from world top car makers like Mercedes Benz(Daimler AG) ,BMW ,Audi ,Volkswagen(VW) , Toyota,Renault-Nissan ,Hyundai-Kia,General Motors ,Ford Honda,FCA,Peugeot, Citroen ,Suzuki,Audi, Bentley, Bugatti , Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Skoda....etc .

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

World Top future Car inventions looks like Supercars for 2050

Watch videos of future car inventions of world top car makers like Mercedes Benz(Daimler AG) ,BMW ,Audi ,Volkswagen(VW) , Toyota,Renault-Nissan ,Hyundai-Kia,General Motors ,Ford Honda,FCA,Peugeot, Citroen ,Suzuki,Audi, Bentley, Bugatti , Lamborghini, Porsche, SEAT, Skoda....etc .

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Male lions Vs Male Lions Killing Group fight like Kick Boxing

Male lions Vs Male Lions Killing Group fight like Kick Boxing

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Top Google Chrome Shortcut keys You Must Know

Google Chrome most impotent shortcut keys you must know for better browsing 

1# Open a new window----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + n

2# Open a new tab, and jump to it---------------------------------->Ctrl + t

3# Open a new window in Incognito mode------------------------>Ctrl + Shift + n

4# Reopen the last closed tab, and jump to it --------------------->Ctrl + Shift + t

5# Open your home page in the current tab------------------------>Alt + Home

6# Open the previous page from your browsing history in the current tab----------->Alt + Left arrow

7# Open the next page from your browsing history in the current tab----------------->Alt + Right arrow

8# Close the current tab----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4

9# Close all open tabs and the browser----------------------------->Ctrl + Shift + w

10# Minimize the current window---------------------------------->Alt + Space + n

11# Maximize the current window---------------------------------->Alt + Space + x

12# Close the current window--------------------------------------->Alt + F4

13# Quit Google Chrome--------------------------------------------->Ctrl + Shift + q
  1.  13# Open a link in a new window-------------------------------->Shift +click the link
  1.  14# Open a hyperlink in a new tab----------------------------------->Ctrl +click the link
  2.  15# Jump to the next open tab---------------------------------------->Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
  3.  16# Jump to the previous open tab---------------------------------->Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn
  4.  17# Jump to a specific tab-------------------------------------------->Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8
  5.  18# Jump to the last tab----------------------------------------------->Ctrl + 9
  6.  19# Add www. and .com to a site name, and open it ------------->Type a site name + Ctrl + Enter
  7.  20# Jump to the address bar------------------------------------------->Ctrl + l or Alt + d or F6
  8.  21# Print the current page--------------------------------------------->Ctrl + p
  9.  22# Open options to save the current page-------------------------->Ctrl + s
  10.  23# Reload the current page------------------------------------------>F5 or Ctrl + r
  11.  24# Open the Home page in the current tab------------------------>Alt + Home
  12.  25# Stop the page loading-------------------------------------------->Esc
  13.  26# Open a file from your computer in Chrome------------------->Ctrl + o + Select a file
  14.  27# ZOOM-IN--------------------------------------------------------->Ctrl and +
  15.  28# ZOOM-OUT------------------------------------------------------->Ctrl and -
  16.  29# Display non-editable HTML source code for the current page----->Ctrl + u
  17.  30# Turn full-screen mode on or off--------------------------------> F11
  18. For complete shortcut keys  please check the Google